Common Area Renovations
- Written by Super User
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Tarkington Tower maintains an adequate reserve fund as should be the case with all condominium complexes.
That reserve fund allows us to plan well into the future, maintaining the building and grounds and providing a consistently high quality of life for the individual unit owners. Over the past couple of years we've upgraded / renovated the common area hallways and the elevator controls system and over the past few months we've renovated the primary commona areas: the lobby, the first floor hallway, the Terrace Rooom (aka. meeting room / party room) and the exercise room.
The plan for the balance of this year and into early 2014 is to install a new roof, again, we're able to do so because of the health of the reserve fund. This new roof should last in excess of 20 years. Next years plans include upgrading the pool area.
This most recent set of renovations were funded by owner contributions (our thanks go out to these folks) that were combined with the reserve fund allocations to create a truly remarkable environment.Take a look at the before and after photos in the slide show and I believe you'll agree.
Note: to view the "slides", click on the thumbnail (the little picture) and the image will pop up. To move through the images use the left arrow or right arrow on your keyboard.